Sponsorship of the Icon painting workshop/master class.

 Your parish, diocese, retreat house, other organization or just a group of people willing to learn the art of Iconography can sponsor a Retreat or Workshop at your own facilities.

Duration and cost (including the supply fee):

Weekend workshop :Thursday evening, Friday Evening, Saturday and Sunday
$300 per student

Five evenings : Monday through Friday
$400 per student

Five days : Monday through Friday
$550 per student

For other workshop arrangements and for lectures on Byzantine Iconography please contact us personally.

The cost is based upon a minimum of twelve people and a maximum of twenty. A $500 down payment is needed to schedule a workshop and to lock the supply cost.
Travel expenses are handled case by case.
Each participant will receive a set of brushes, a prepared panel, all the other materials necessary to complete an icon, along with instructional materials.
Other materials will be made available at a reasonable cost: Iconographers supplies

Sponsorship of the Iconographic project.

Please contact me personally for information on how you can sponsor an Icon or Iconographic project for the community or organization (a charitable organization), Church, Diocese, etc., or how you can help to support our Icon studio.

If you like to order a Personal Icon:

You can order any Iconographic image allowed by the Church, as Festal Icons, Saints, Personal Icon, Family Icons (patron saint of each member of your family will be depicted in the Icon).
Icons for weddings and baptisms are also provided.
Each Icon will be painted with the best art materials available and artwork will be based on the approved by the Church traditional prototypes.
Prices of the Icons differ in price depending on the subject, complicity, quantity of figures, etc...
In icons without gold-leaf, the halo is usually painted in ochre and the background is painted in the adequate color. 
The gold-leaf is 23 - 24k. 

Icons are painted on traditional wooden Icon boards, or grade A quality masonite or MDF board to which has been first applied several coats of gesso.
After sanded to a smooth finish, the icon is drawn and painted. 
The icon is set aside for several days to let the paints and gold leaf dry.
The traditional water-based protective coat applied prior to varnishing to allow possible restoration in time.  
Finally, it is varnished and left to dry.
Half (50%) of the payment is required upon ordering and the other half (50%) of payment + shipping and packaging cost will be due upon completion of the Icon, prior to shipping.
Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions.

May God be with you